It belongs to the milk derivative products. The milk serum that results from the cheese production, with the addition of a percentage of whole milk, is brought to 80°C for 45 minutes, at which point the ricotta emerges to the surface. The texture is soft and creamy, milky white in color, a sweet flavor with no acidity, and with the typical dairy product aroma.
Fresh ricotta is used for many dishes, both sweet and savory. It is used in the typical Sicilian pastries such as, cannoli and cassate.
TYPOLOGY / Fresh dairy product from ovine and/or bovine milk.
INGREDIENTS / Ovine or bovine whey, ovine or bovine milk, Salt.
SHAPE / Trunk conical.
CRUST / Absent.
COLOUR / Milk-white.
HOLES / Absent.
STRUCTURE / Soft, capable of being deformed.
SMELLS / Lactic and cooked lactic.
FLAVOURS / Balance of mild, tart and moderately sapid.
FRAGRANCES / Lactic with light animal notes.
STRUCTURE INSIDE MOUTH / Melting and soluble.
SALES UNIT / 0,5 Kg, 1 Kg, 2 Kg, 3 Kg.
TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS / The whey obtained after the cheese production, with addition of some whole milk, is led to a 80° temperature
for about 45 minutes. The “ricotta” appeared on the surface is separated from the whey.
QUALITY CONTROL / H.A.C.C.P. System implemented in the whole productive process; product distribution with hazards control and sixmonth
system control through internal and external second audit to main suppliers.
TRACK / Track system applied for every production lot with acquisition of information and origin lots for raw materials, packaging products
and execution’s charge in every degree of production cycle.
TRACEABILITY / Capability for recall all deployment units at sale within 6 hours from non conformity manifestation. Non conform product’s
withdrawal in 72 hours from sales freeze.
RIPENING / Absent.
SHELF LIFE / 7 days.
PRESERVATION / Keep in fridge at positive temperature + 4° C.
PACKAGING / Fuscella” with “raccoglisiero” and heated film.
BACH CODING / 6 digits corresponding to start production’s day, month and year.
Azienda Casearia Camuglia s.r.l.
via Federico II, 105
95012 Castiglione di Sicilia CT
T +39 0942 984268
F +39 0942 984268
P. IVA 04900400872
Gentile Cliente